
Popular Belief on Healthy Low Cholesterol Cooking Oil

Did you know that the consumption of vegetable oils has increased over the years? While most healthcare experts consider this a healthy alternative,most cooking oils possess a list of hidden health problems. The health effects of most healthy cooking oils in India vary depending on its processing and extraction procedure. 

Contrary to other cooking oils, most vegetable oils have high omega-6 fatty acid content. Soybean, rice bran, sunflower and palm oil are some that fall into this bracket. While most of these cooking oils are high in Omega-6, the important Omega-3 fatty acids are somewhere left unnoticed.  In this case, understanding some popular beliefs helps us narrow down the best healthy cooking oils for our kitchen.

When it comes to cooking healthy food, ensuring the core ingredients are in its purest form is key. Hence, here’s a list of beliefs to assure the best edible oils in India are added to your cart.

Popular Beliefs for Healthy Cooking Oils

  •  Product Labels - There are always some hidden terms labeled behind the best cooking oils in the market. While marketing traits and labels deem them to be in their purest form, this isn’t always the case. Healthy cooking oils in India discover ways to assure customers that their oils are the purest of all. Taking a thorough look at the label ensures the right addition to your kitchen. Most brands showcase hidden terms that most buyers are not aware of. In order to control trans-fat consumption, one should purchase products that showcase hydrogenated/ partially hydrogenated terms. 
  • Storage - Most people believe that your cooking oil can be kept anywhere in the kitchen. Be it a simple rack, a counter, keeping this oil just anywhere does prove to be harmful. When it comes to most brands, selling remains their ultimate objective, while being informative somewhere gets left unnoticed. It’s necessary to inform customers where to store their cooking oil to retain its nutritional value and quality. While these cooking oils come in dark bottles to prevent any drop, keeping the same in dark cabinets with less contact to sunlight is beneficial. This ensures the best edible cooking oils in India remain fresh for a longer span of time
  • Fried Food Can Not be Healthy - Whenever we talk about fried food, most individuals consider it to be an unhealthy option. Even though many choose to savor them to the fullest, low cholesterol cooking oils ensure you can enjoy them without worrying much. With the help of common methods such as air-frying, sauteing and grilling, these ensure your food remains healthy throughout. This ensures that the popular belief of fried food cannot be healthy turns tables with the help of healthy cooking oil. 

Doctors’ Choice- Best Healthy Cooking Oil

Before we initiate a cooking oil purchase, understanding more about it in detail is necessary. With detailed information with respect to fried food, storage and product labels, the best healthy cooking oil makes all ends meet.

With refined sunflower oil and refined soybean oil, Doctors’ Choice ensures everything that’s suggested and showcased is the best for our customers. So be aware, understand all necessary detailed information and choose Doctors’ Choice oil that’s both healthy and tasty.  This puts forward the statement that your health is taken the best care of without increasing cholesterol levels and health margins.

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