Choice of Cooking Oil Impacts Your Heart Health

Choice of Healthy Cooking Oil Impacts Your Heart Health Every food item and every ingredient that you consume impacts your health. Some of them can influence your health positively, while some can affect your health negatively. Now since oil is a chief ingredient that dominates almost every dish that you cook, it’s necessary to choose… Continue reading Choice of Cooking Oil Impacts Your Heart Health

Edible Cooking Oils That Are Mostly Used For Indian Cuisine

Edible Cooking Oils or Indian Cuisine Did you know that Indian cuisine is one of the world’s most diverse cuisines? Consisting of a wide and sophisticated assortment of dishes, Indian cuisine is vast as it reflects the demographics of India. Punjabi cuisine, Mughlai cuisine, Bengali cuisine, Goan cuisine, Gujrati cuisine and Kashmiri cuisine are to… Continue reading Edible Cooking Oils That Are Mostly Used For Indian Cuisine

Why is Soybean Oil a Widely Used Edible Oil in the U.S?

Soybean Oil a Widely Used Edible Oil in the U.S If we ask you to name a few American dishes that are your favourite, which popular dishes would you tell us about? We believe that some of the dishes would be French Fries, Burgers, Chicken Nuggets, Donuts, Waffles, etc. After all, despite being American dishes,… Continue reading Why is Soybean Oil a Widely Used Edible Oil in the U.S?

How Refined Soybean Oil Can Benefit Your Health

Health Benefits of Refined Soybean Oil Soybean oil or soyabean oil is one of the most widely consumed edible oils in the whole world. Extracted from the soybean seeds or Glycine max, this oil is one of the healthiest forms of cooking oil. Soybean oil contributes many health benefits by nourishing the body with proteins… Continue reading How Refined Soybean Oil Can Benefit Your Health

Refined Sunflower Oil vs Physically Refined Rice Bran Oil

Cooking healthy food is synonymous with eating healthy food which in turn benefits your body by keeping you healthy. All of your meals, be it healthy or not, contain one ingredient that can create a vast difference to your body. That ingredient is the edible oil that you use to cook almost every recipe. Various… Continue reading Refined Sunflower Oil vs Physically Refined Rice Bran Oil

Reasons Why Indian Chefs Prefer Mustard Oil for Cooking

Indian Chefs Prefer Mustard Oil for Cooking Every person loves tasting a form of authenticity in their dishes. It could be the flavours, spices or ingredients that add to this unique individuality. But despite every other component that is added to a dish, cooking oil is a staple. Therefore, the same way Italians love their… Continue reading Reasons Why Indian Chefs Prefer Mustard Oil for Cooking

7 Health Benefits of Mustard Oil You Must Know Before Buying

7 Health Benefits of Mustard Oil You Must Know Before Buying The pungent and aromatic mustard oil is a very common ingredient in Indian cuisine. In fact, it has been a condiment staple in countries like India, Rome and Greece for centuries. Of late, Kachi Ghani Mustard oil has gained popularity as it should due… Continue reading 7 Health Benefits of Mustard Oil You Must Know Before Buying

5 Amazing Benefits of Refined Sunflower Oil You Must Know

Benefits of Refined Sunflower Oil You Must Know You may already be familiar with the sunflower as a plant. Therefore, your mind doesn’t immediately think of sunflowers as a source of vegetable oil that is healthy and edible. But to your surprise, sunflower oil is indeed an edible oil that is extracted from the seeds… Continue reading 5 Amazing Benefits of Refined Sunflower Oil You Must Know

Reasons Why You Can Go With Refined Soybean Oil for Cooking

Reasons to Go With Refined Soybean Oil for Cooking Soybean plants are widely cultivated around the world and in recent decades, are one of the most utilized plants. Due to this reason, Refined Soybean oil is a popular vegetable oil that is used by many. Extracted from Glycine max, this vegetable oil is made from… Continue reading Reasons Why You Can Go With Refined Soybean Oil for Cooking

How to Check If Your Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil is Genuine?

How to Check If Your Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil is Genuine? Adulteration of food items is a common factor in the market. From the spices that you purchase to the dairy products that you consume, most items pose a risk factor. The majority of the items sold in the market are adulterated and impure in… Continue reading How to Check If Your Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil is Genuine?