purity of mustard oil

How to Check If Your Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil is Genuine?

Adulteration of food items is a common factor in the market. From the spices that you purchase to the dairy products that you consume, most items pose a risk factor. The majority of the items sold in the market are adulterated and impure in many ways. You will see that the healthy cooking oils produced in India are also not spared of adulteration. 

We are all aware that edible oils are a consistent part of our daily diet. Oils such as Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil is a popular cooking oil that is a favourite of many Indian households. The Northern and Eastern regions particularly consume this oil on a daily basis. This is because pure ‘sarson ka tel’ incorporates numerous health benefits that are hard to come by in refined oils. 

What if the Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil that you’ve been consuming is impure and adulterated? Even the well-packaged mustard oil that you have purchased can be defective. We assume that good packaging by default ensures good quality. But that isn’t necessarily the case. You can also find duplicate and adulterated packets of Mustard oil in the market today. Mustard oil is adulterated with argemone oil and other low quality oils, which reduces the nutritional level, quality as well as purity of the oil. However, this practice increases the quantity of oil, but may have adverse effects on health. 

Major Health Risks:

  • Consuming adulterated mustard oil with Argemone oil even for a short duration leads to a clinical condition referred to as 'Epidemic Dropsy' and it causes oxidative stress and death of red blood cells via met-haemoglobin formation by altering pyridine nucleotide(s) and glutathione redox potential.
  • Adulteration with Argemone oil poses a serious threat to human health and must be checked by concerned regulatory authorities.

We lose out on the benefits of cooking our meals in Mustard oil due to this. 

You should first know of the fatality before we move on to the methods through which you can assess Mustard oil. 

  • Adulterated Mustard oil packs lower nutritional levels
  • Adulteration reduces the quality, purity and effective health benefits of the oil
  • Argemone oil degrades Mustard oil. This cheap oil often causes dropsy disease, swelling of the body and gastrointestinal problems. 

Healthy cooking oils used in India such as Soybean and Sunflower oil are also known to be adulterated (barring Mustard oil). Mixing cheap quality oils such as palm oil and cottonseed oil which increases its quantity is one way to do this. Consequently, it adulterates the oil and causes adverse effects on one’s health. 

Examine If the Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil You’ve Been Purchasing Through These Tests: 

Freezing test - This is a simple yet effective way through which you can identify the impurity of Mustard oil. All you have to do is take a bowl and pour some mustard oil into it. Keep this bowl in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Check if the oil has frozen and if it has white spots once taken out. If the oil has frozen and has white spots then it is spurious and impure. It’s safe to say that this purchased mustard oil will not impart the usual benefits of mustard oil while cooking. 

Rubbing test - Another easy way to recognise the quality of Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil is by rubbing it between your palms. Take a teaspoon of mustard oil and rub it well between your palms. You should ideally get the pungent yet aromatic smell of mustard oil once you stop. If instead, you do receive the smell of chemicals along with a trace of colour then this oil is adulterated. 

Nitric acid test - Take a test tube and add 5ml of mustard oil into it. Pour 5ml of Nitric acid into the test tube and shake it gently after this. Now check the color of that mixture. The unadulterated mustard oil will show no color change in the acidic layer. An Orange-yellow to red color is developed in the acidic layer of the adulterated mustard oil. 

Barometer test - Pour mustard oil into a bowl and gently dip a barometer into it. A reading between 58 to 60.5 means that it’s safe to assume that the mustard oil is pure. Any reading on the barometer beyond those numbers means that the oil is impure. 

Purchase Doctors Choice if you are looking to incorporate the benefits of mustard oil while cooking your meals. This brand produces edible oils that are unadulterated, pure and healthy. Their Kachi Ghani Mustard oil integrates natural antioxidants that assist in maintaining a healthy life. This mustard oil also includes omega 3 fatty acid which is essential for physical well-being. 

Try Doctors Choice Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil today and say goodbye to adulterated and spurious oils! 

Disclaimer - Some pointers have been gathered with the help of an extensive search on the internet and then compiled. Besides the Nitric Acid Test, Doctors' Choice as a company is not liable for the claims about the other methods mentioned herein

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