Sauteed Events
to Remember

Infusing Durga Puja into Our Celebration

Durga Puja isn’t just a festival; it’s a cultural phenomenon that brings people together in joy, devotion, and celebration. At Doctor’s Choice, we tapped into this festive spirit by making Much Muche Parbon a part of the Pujo conversation—blending tradition, food, and festivity in a way that’s both relatable and socially trendy.

Amar Durga – Honoring the Strength Among Us

This Durga Puja, we celebrated the modern embodiments of Goddess Durga—women who inspire with their strength and resilience. Our Aamar Durga microsite highlighted 10 extraordinary women who have defied the odds, while also allowing users to gift a personalized video message from our brand ambassador, Sandipta Sen, to a special woman in their life.

Adding to the festive spirit, we hosted Pujor Shera Bhog, where RWAs prepared traditional bhog dishes using Doctor’s Choice oil, celebrating Durga Puja’s rich culinary heritage with purity at its core.

At Doctor’s Choice, we are proud to make this festival about more than just traditions—it’s about honoring the strength, love, and culture that define our lives.

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to yours

Dil-ightful Glimpses