Reasons to Go With Refined Soybean Oil for Cooking
Soybean plants are widely cultivated around the world and in recent decades, are one of the most utilized plants. Due to this reason, Refined Soybean oil is a popular vegetable oil that is used by many. Extracted from Glycine max, this vegetable oil is made from the seeds of the soybean plant. Soybean oil is usually refined, blended and occasionally, hydrogenated.
Being a healthy option compared to other vegetable oils, soybean oil is good for cooking. This is because it consists of a variety of essential fatty acids that are required by the human body. Soybean oil assists the body to remain healthy with the help of the numerous benefits it brings.
Nutritional Value of Soybean Oil
Soybean oil is a stable cooking oil that has fatty acids in healthy proportions. To be specific, it has saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the ratio 21:17:53. The polyunsaturated fatty acids include alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid. On the other hand, monounsaturated fatty acids include oleic acid.
Benefits of Using Soybean Oil
Comprises of Healthy Fats
Polyunsaturated fatty acid is a healthy compound that carries with it multiple health benefits pertaining to one’s overall health. This form of fatty acid may lower the risk of heart diseases and also reduce bad cholesterol. LDL (bad) cholesterol plays an important role in the increase in heart diseases. Therefore, with the presence of high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, Refined Soybean oil may help keep the human body healthy.
Composed of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids is known to play an integral role in healthy brain functioning, improved immunity and fetal development. Soybean oil benefits your health because it consists of Omega 3 fatty acids and higher amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids.
Keeps Bones Healthy
Refined Soybean oil packs in it vitamin A and D which help in boosting bone health. Research suggests that the proteins of vitamin A and D can play a role in balancing mineral levels in blood and bones. Therefore, cooking in soybean oil might help keep bones healthy.
Helps Keep Skin Healthy
Soybean oil benefits your body not only internally but also through ways that are visible externally. It consists of vitamin E which is an anti-inflammatory nutrient that helps maintain skin health. Therefore, consuming soybean oil with your meals aids in retaining moisture, which keeps the skin supple.
Possesses a High Smoke Point
Indian dishes require cooking over a high flame and sometimes for long periods of time. Therefore, these dishes require an oil that has a high smoke point that can withstand high temperatures for a long duration. A low smoking point can result in the formation of compounds that are called free radicals. These are harmful to the human body. Soybean oil is ideal for cooking and deep frying because it has a smoking point of 230 degrees Celsius.
Versatile and Convenient
Soybean oil is a light oil that carries with it a mild flavour that is neutral to the taste buds. It fits into any dish that calls for cooking oil. Refined Soybean oil can be paired with almost any dish that requires frying, baking, roasting or sauteing.
Switch to soybean oil to incorporate these wonderful benefits. Doctors Choice Refined Soybean oil is made up of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids. It also helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels with Alpha-linolenic acid. Besides that, it imparts natural antioxidants into your body with the help of Tocopherols.
Make the right choice with Doctors Choice Refined Soybean oil!
Disclaimer - Information for this article has been gathered through extensive research on the internet, after which it was compiled. Doctors Choice as a company is not liable for the claims of all pointers mentioned herein.