
7 Health Benefits of Mustard Oil You Must Know Before Buying

The pungent and aromatic mustard oil is a very common ingredient in Indian cuisine. In fact, it has been a condiment staple in countries like India, Rome and Greece for centuries. Of late, Kachi Ghani Mustard oil has gained popularity as it should due to its immense health benefits. Extracted from the seeds of the mustard plant, this oil is known for its unique nutty flavour. 

It not only adds a strong flavour to your dishes but also has a high smoke point. This is why Kachi Ghani Mustard oil can be used for sauteing, stir-frying or even deep-frying ingredients. 

Here are Some of The Benefits of Cooking in Mustard Oil :

Can Block Microbial Growth 

A few studies which have been conducted noticed that mustard oil carries with it powerful antimicrobial properties. These antimicrobial properties may aid in the prevention of the growth of some harmful bacteria. Another test-tube study also found out that mustard oil is most effective for its antibacterial effects. Particularly when compared to essential oils like thyme and Mexican oregano. Several other test-tube studies have noticed that Kachi Ghani Mustard oil even blocks the growth of certain types of fungi and molds.

May Optimise Skin and Hair Health 

The benefits of mustard oil extend beyond cooking. When applied topically, mustard oil may promote your skin and hair health. Being an ingredient that is so versatile, mustard oil benefits your health internally as well as externally. It can be added to homemade face masks and hair treatments. But before you use it externally, ensure that you perform a patch test first.

May Reduce Pain 

Mustard oil contains a chemical compound called allyl isothiocyanate. This chemical composition may relieve pain receptors in the body. Besides that, mustard oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid. It is a type of omega 3 fatty acid in mustard oil that may help decrease inflammation and lessen pain in the body.

May Delay the Growth of Cancer Cells

Research suggests that mustard oil can help delay the growth and spread of cancer cells. Although this does not apply to all cancer cells, it does apply to a few. For instance, one study states that mustard oil when fed to rats, blocked the growth of colon cancer cells. In this study, mustard oil turned out to be more effective than corn oil or fish oil.

Can Minimise Inflammation 

Mustard oil has been used for years to help reduce and soothe pain and discomfort. It is also known to help decrease inflammation in the body. The presence of omega 3 in mustard oil is said to be involved in regulating the inflammatory processes. Therefore, it might help decrease oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

May Act As a Remedy For Cold Symptoms

Traditionally, mustard oil has been used as a natural remedy to reduce cold symptoms. Even till now, it is used by many to help relieve coughing and congestion. Adding a few drops of Kachi Ghani Mustard oil to boiling water and inhaling the steam can reduce the cold.

With such benefits in plenty, you should now switch to cooking in mustard oil. On your next trip to the supermarket store, ensure that you purchase a packet of Doctors Choice Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil

Here’s why you should use Mustard oil : 

  • Contains omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid
  • It also contains tocopherols which is a natural antioxidant
  • Helps maintain cholesterol levels due to the presence of alpha-linolenic acid 
  • Just including Pure, Unadulterated, Doctors’ Choice Mustard oil in your regular cooking can result in healthy skin, hair and heart. 

Living up to its motto of healthy conscious living, Doctors’ Choice pure  Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil comes with the natural benefits of mustard with the highest quality, intact in proper packaging. Bring home the goodness of Kachi Ghani Mustard oil today with Doctors Choice. Make the switch to lead a healthier and more active life!

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