
Stay Healthy with Omega 3 Fatty Acid Rich Mustard Oil

The human body requires certain types of fatty acids due to the vital role it plays in our anatomy. In this regard, omega 3 fatty acid or omega 3 stands out as one of the most necessary fatty acids that the body requires. Now the interesting fact is that our bodies make most of the fats from other fats or raw materials. But it cannot make omega 3 fatty acids on its own. Hence, we need to provide the body with omega 3 fatty acids in our diet.

This particular fatty acid assists in the normal and overall growth of the body along with other necessary developments. Mustard oil, yogurt and other food items normally consists of Omega-3 fatty acids. The food you consume is directly proportionate to the diet one carries forward with. Hence, its necessary that one should be mindful of the same. Because cutting out omega 3 from your diet isn’t ideal at all.

On the contrary, using this in your diet is synonymous with multiple health benefits such as avoiding depression, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's and dementia too. You'll experience negative effects on your body by removing this from your diet. Hence, be sure to incorporate this fatty acid in simple ways such as using Kachi Ghani Mustard oil.

Besides sourcing omega 3 fatty acids from mustard oil, you can find it in other foods too. Let us discuss it in detail so that you can incorporate these items into your diet.

Foods that Consist of Omega 3 Fatty Acids 

You won't have to hunt for omega-3 fatty acids in dietary supplements because it's naturally present in the food you consume. The nutrient contains two vital polyunsaturated components. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) & eicosapentaenoic acid are the components discussed here. Blood pressure & the alleviation of depression and anxiety have been scientifically proved to minimize with the usage of these elements. 

The following are some examples of omega-3-rich foods : 

  • Fish and seafood - tuna, salmon, mackerel, oysters and sardines
  • Fortified food - yoghurt, eggs, and soy beverages
  • Nuts and seeds - walnuts, chia seeds, pecans, flaxseed, and mustard seeds
  • Plant oils - canola oil, algal oil, perilla oil, flaxseed oil, kachi ghani mustard oil and soybean oil 

Kachi ghani mustard oil and Refined soybean oil are readily available in India due to their popularity. In order to provide your body with adequate omega-3 fats in the easiest way possible, various dishes are made using these oils. Here’s why you should use these two oils to nourish your body with omega 3 fatty acids.

Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil - The benefit of cooking in mustard oil is that this oil has an abundance of omega 3 fatty acids. It contains ALA or alpha-linolenic acid which is a necessary omega-3 fatty acid. The body cannot produce this component on its own, making it vital. In this regard, one tablespoon contains 826mg of omega 3. In order to reduce inflammation & protect against heart diseases and aging, mustard oil's antioxidants help with the same.

Refined Soybean Oil - This oil is another popular product that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. It contains omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic fatty acids. These three elements help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels whilst also keeping you healthy and fit. Besides these nutrients, refined soybean oil also helps the body due to the presence of vitamins A, D and E.

How Much Omega 3 Fatty Acids Does Your Body Need? 

Its difficult for one to determine the specific measurement/ quantity of Omega-3 one should ingest in a day. Hence in order to maintain good health, adults are advised to ingest at least 250-500 mg of EPA & DHA daily.

Now that you are aware of the importance of omega 3 fatty acids, don’t waste any time incorporating them into your diet. Purchase a packet of Doctors Choice Kachi Ghani Mustard oil or Refined Soybean oil to cook your delicious meals with. In this way, you make your dishes delectable, while also giving your body the nourishment it requires.

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