
Omega 6 Rich Cooking Oil for Your Holiday Meal

For years most of us were urged to exclude fats from our daily diets whenever possible. This made us switch to a low-fat diet which seemed to be a healthier alternative to the same. However, this sudden shift did not have much effect on our bodies. This is because we cut out on essential fats along with the harmful ones. This is where choosing Omega-6 rich oils play its role.

We understand it might be challenging for one to immediately switch to a healthy diet. However, choosing Omega-6-rich oils helps you take that healthy step you were looking to take. This also makes sure that your food remains healthy and tasty all the time.

What Makes Omega-6 Cooking Oil a Necessity

Whenever we talk about Omega-6 fatty acids, we refer to the polyunsaturated fat that’s found in vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. Whenever we consume the same in moderation, in place of saturated fats, this fatty acid is termed to be good for the heart as well as forming a protective shield to help prevent heart diseases.

Believe it or not every human body requires essential fatty acids to function properly. Even though it can prepare most of them, linoleic acid is something it faces challenges to prepare. This essential fatty acid that’s rich in Omega-6 helps promote a balanced diet that has good visible amounts of fatty acids in the same.

Choosing an Omega-6 rich oil helps reduce the risks of stroke and heart diseases. Keeping the same in mind, choosing refined sunflower oil and refined soybean oil for cooking helps promote a healthy heart and body.

Reasons to Choose Omega-6 Fatty Oils

  • Even though most of us believe that fat isn’t good for our body, we still need some of it from the food we eat. Being an excellent source of energy, it helps absorb essential vitamins and minerals. 
  • Omega-6 rich oils contain fat that’s required to build cell membranes along with creating sheaths to surround the nerves. 
  • It is essential for blood clotting,  muscle movement, along with inflammation. This is why most individuals consider this fat to be better than the others.
  • While good  fats include monounsaturated fats, Omega-3 & 6 Polyunsaturated fats, bad fats include industrial-made trans fats. Saturated fats fall somewhere in the middle. This is exactly where saturated fats fall somewhere in the middle.

Why Choose Doctor’s Choice Range of Omega-6 Cooking Oils

It's often believed that a healthy meal makes one happy from the outside as well as from the inside. While everyone now leans more towards being healthy and health-conscious, choosing healthy cooking oils such as refined sunflower oil and refined soybean oil for the healthy heart helps with the same. 

When it comes to choosing the best healthy cooking oil, most individuals avoid choosing between health and taste. This is where Doctor’s Choice helps with the same. With its range of pure, unadulterated, and Omega-6 rich cooking oil, keeping your heart and body fit is an everyday affair.

If you are convinced with the list of benefits this ingredient offers, here are some options to add to your kitchen cart. 

  1. Doctor’s Choice Sunflower Oil - When it comes to making any dish light and healthy, Doctor’s Choice refined sunflower oil is the real superhero behind the same. For those who fail to express their love for fried food, this oil helps to keep food light along with maintaining blood cholesterol levels. Keeping its high Omega-6 content, it's not only beneficial for rich meals but also works best for salads.
  2. Doctor’s Choice Soybean Oil - Why just wish for a genuine flavored dish when you can savor it too. Keeping the health benefits of refined soybean oil for cooking, it is rich in Vitamin A, D, and E. This helps boost one’s immunity along with normalizing blood cholesterol levels with the help of natural antioxidants. This cooking oil is also pocket-friendly which is a key factor for all when it comes to switching from one oil to another. 

Keeping in mind the importance of Omega-6 fats in oils as well as in your diet, Doctor’s Choice range of healthy cooking oils helps support the same.  With Sunflower and Soybean oil both being rich in Omega-6, it assists with multiple health benefits along with enhancing the taste of any dish.

Although omega-6 fats are a type of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, people should consume them in moderation. The best approach may be to focus on eating a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as monounsaturated fats. At the same time, a person should try to limit or avoid fried and processed foods.

If a person has questions about a healthful diet they should speak with a doctor about the best choices for them.

So prepare your favorite holiday meal with Omega-6 rich cooking oil that takes the best care of your health, pocket, and meal.

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