
In a country like India, every meal is home to diverse cultures and flavors that bring togetherness alive. The demand for better and tastier dishes brings forward the need for quality ingredients that add life to these dishes. Home-cooked meals, especially those prepared using low-cholesterol cooking oils witnessed a growing demand with the need for healthier meals growing over time. We all have been witnesses of cooking oils being stored in our homes, be it in different bottles or cans for better shelf life. Going with the common understanding of avoiding any wastage, many are sold on the fact that this is a healthy alternative. But, is this a wise choice?

Let’s read to know more.

When it comes to our very own kitchens, reusing cooking oils is a common practice followed diligently. From using reused cooking oil for deep-frying to sauteing meals with a healthy touch, we are sold on the fact that our health is now in good hands. However, it’s not exactly how it looks to be. Reusing any cooking oil calls for multiple health issues which may not be too good. Going by this method increases acidity and shoots up one’s blood cholesterol levels.

Reused cooking oil used for deep-frying often takes a toll on one's health. For those who choose to savor fast food meals from stalls using reused oil, it isn't better but worse than any proper home-cooked meal. Food prepared at restaurants or stalls generally reuses cooking oil both for frying and cooking purposes. Religiously used as an all-in-one cooking oil, it seems tasty, yet hard to ignore. Using the same oil repeatedly doesn’t alter the fact that its nutritional value changes making it hard to digest.

That’s not all, the list of negative effects of reusing MUFA & PUFA enriched cholesterol-lowering cooking oil is something one should be well-versed with.

Reusing Cooking Oil- the Negative Effects That Come with It

Reusing the same cooking oil is nothing less, but very risky for oneself. Here’s how.

  • Oil Becomes Carcinogenic - If oil becomes carcinogenic, there’s an increased risk of cancer. With increased chances of body inflammation, there are more chances of obesity, diabetes, and other severe heart issues. Being more prone to infection, reusing cooking oils causes much harm in the long run. 
  • More LDL Cholesterol - If you prefer cooking in reused cooking oil, irrespective of it being reused increases the levels of LDL cholesterol. Being the right definition of bad cholesterol, cooking with healthy cooking oils does not help improve the blood cholesterol levels in the body. This increases the risks of chest pain, and strokes. 
  • Weight Gain - Did you know that cooking with reused oil helps with increasing weight gain and obesity? Being unhealthy can also extend its harmfulness to other heart and liver issues. 
  • Quality Degradation - Most Healthy cooking oils in India are used for deep-frying purposes. During this process, your oil undergoes the process of degradation. It leads to an alteration in physio-chemical and nutritional properties that create many polar compounds which are as a whole called TotalPolar Compound (TPC), This is not only unfit for consumption but proves to degrade your health conditions much faster.

Here’s where keeping a constant check on the quality of the cooking oil needs to be done. 

As per the FSSAI, reusing any cooking oil should be avoided as much as possible. In this case, one should limit the usage of any leftover oil to keep your health in check.

Doctors’ Choice- Healthy Cooking Oil for all

After clearly understanding the problems associated with the consumption of reused cooking oils, avoiding the same is beneficial for oneself. Doctors’ Choice, a brand that produces the best, healthy cooking oils in India at an affordable price is infused with the best vitamins and nutrients. These help with keeping your health in check without any risk of serious ailments or diseases. 

However, even though this cooking oil is a healthier alternative, reusing this isn’t advised. So choose wisely, cook wisely, and eat healthy with the best oil that’s the ideal #DilKiChoice.

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