
Swap Saturated Fat with Unsaturated One

Good unsaturated fats are a crucial part of one’s diet. It does play a vital role in boosting one’s health from head (brain) to toe (joints). On a whole, fats help build a healthy communication between nerve impulses and the transfer of nutrients through the bloodstream. 

It is often believed that some fats play a vital role in one’s health as compared to others. Here’s where we understand why saturated fats ( butter, cream and meat fats) are swapped with unsaturated ones (especially polyunsaturated fats). This does play a vital role in one’s health. As a matter of fact, the latest dietary guidelines for Americans recommend reducing saturated fats in particular and consuming more unsaturated fats.

This helps individuals understand the importance of reducing the consumption of saturated fats to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Among the unsaturated fats, choosing the omega-6 rich oils becomes a healthy buy for one. 

Here’s why.

Talking about saturated fats- they are deemed to be the ‘bad’ fats that raise blood cholesterol levels. This increases the risk of heart diseases and strokes. These are often found in high-fat meats such as fatty beef, butter and cheese.

Since 1961, the American Heart Association has recommended reducing the intake of saturated fats. This helps reduce the risks of any cardiovascular disease. However, the question still remains as to why to switch from saturated fats to unsaturated ones?

With a change from one fat to another, noticing visible results makes sure that the change is worthwhile.With assisting with reducing heart diseases and strokes, these healthy fats are often found in fish oils as well as other plant-based sources and nuts. Ranging from soybean oil to sunflower oil, choosing the omega-6 polyunsaturated fat rich oil  is a healthy buy for one.

As per recent clinical studies and trials, swapping saturated fats with unsaturated ones helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases by 30%.This is similar to the effects of cholesterol-lowering statins. However, the same cannot be said when replacing saturated fats with other nutrients like sugars and carbohydrates.

Here is an easy way to help make smart swaps for saturated fats!

Instead of ghee or vanaspati, add omega- 6 rich sunflower oil in  your cooking. You'll get the same satisfying effect that will help boost your health and make your food tasty without as much saturated fat.

Benefits of Choosing Sunflower Oil for your Heart Health

Sunflower cooking oil is extracted from sunflower seeds and possesses a subtle taste. Being a vegetable cooking oil that’s vegetable and plant-based, it is low in saturated fats and high in polyunsaturated fats. Before any individual chooses any cooking oil, they must consider checking whether the oil has the perfect blend of both monounsaturated & polyunsaturated fats. Keeping the basic information in mind, here are a few pointers to support why this oil is a wise switch to make. 

  • Linoleic acids present in sunflower oil help in maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels
  • It contains Tocopherols that is a normal antioxidant 

These above-listed pointers benefit one when it comes to choosing which cooking oil makes its place in their kitchen. Keeping other brand options in the market, everyone looks for an option that is light on your health and pocket.

Choose Doctor’s Choice Sunflower Oil for Cooking

It’s an age-old belief to always listen to your heart. With a brand that goes with the belief of #DilChahtaHai, Doctor’s Choice Edible Cooking Oils helps bring a smile to your face and body. Choosing sunflower oil for the heart and body makes sure one need not compromise on tasting the best of flavors. 

Believing in making every meal light and delicious also helps in maintaining blood cholesterol levels. Not forgetting a bonus pointer- it is rich in Omega-6 which makes this cooking oil a great option for your heart. This oil is not only a superhero in making flavorful food but also acts as the perfect salad dressing. Not to forget the fact that it is pocket-friendly as well. 

So if you are planning for a change in your oils, choose Doctor’s Choice Sunflower Oil to make a healthy choice for you and your family.

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