Easy Spicy Mango Pickle Recipe Using Mustard Oil

Easy Spicy Mango Pickle Recipe Using Mustard Oil Every Indian kitchen is home to a series of dishes that cover noteworthy masalas and ingredients. As much as masalas are a staple for every Indian dish, pickles are also that not-so-silent superhero that gives your taste buds that added flavor its looking for. Indian pickles are… Continue reading Easy Spicy Mango Pickle Recipe Using Mustard Oil

Switch to Healthier Fats with Healthy Cooking Oils

Healthier Fats with Healthy Cooking Oils Let’s talk facts- finding food that’s 100% healthy is a never-ending challenge to adhere to. With multiple so-called healthy choices sold in the market, finding one that fits the mark can be taxing. Talking about being healthy, fats have had an unpleasant reputation over the years. Stated to have… Continue reading Switch to Healthier Fats with Healthy Cooking Oils

Bengali Dhokar Dalna (Veg Recipe)

Dhokar Dalna, is a cuisine that’s popular across every Bengali’s kitchen. This famous delicacy, commonly savored on days where the family eats veg, allows everyone to believe the same to being meat with a flavorful touch present in every Bengali cuisine.  Dhokha often prepared with soaked Bengal gram is mixed well with spices, dry roasted… Continue reading Bengali Dhokar Dalna (Veg Recipe)

Hacks to Keep Your Cooking Oil Fresh for Long Time

Hacks to Keep Your Cooking Oil Fresh for Long Time If you were given the task to eat only boiled food throughout the week, would it be an easy task at hand? As complicated as this question seems, this topic of discussion would seem more confusing if you didn’t read ahead. Cooking chooses to be… Continue reading Hacks to Keep Your Cooking Oil Fresh for Long Time

Why is Soybean Oil a Widely Used Edible Oil in the U.S?

Soybean Oil a Widely Used Edible Oil in the U.S If we ask you to name a few American dishes that are your favourite, which popular dishes would you tell us about? We believe that some of the dishes would be French Fries, Burgers, Chicken Nuggets, Donuts, Waffles, etc. After all, despite being American dishes,… Continue reading Why is Soybean Oil a Widely Used Edible Oil in the U.S?