Decoding Sunflower Oil Labels: What Do They Really Mean?

Decoding Sunflower Oil Labels: What Do They Really Mean? Nowadays, sunflower oil is the most frequently used for cooking due to its high smoking point, less intensity in flavour, and manifold uses. However, with this number of varieties, how do you decide which type is appropriate? Most importantly, how do you ensure the product you… Continue reading Decoding Sunflower Oil Labels: What Do They Really Mean?

Types of Sunflower Oil & the Nutritional Benefits

Types of Sunflower Oil & the Nutritional Benefits As years go by, sunflower oil made its way into Indian kitchens, becoming a staple to prepare every meal. This is due to a variety of supportive reasons. Refined Sunflower Oil stands out as a versatile oil due to its wide range of uses in Indian cooking.   … Continue reading Types of Sunflower Oil & the Nutritional Benefits

Use Sunflower Oil to Swap Saturated Fat with Unsaturated One

Swap Saturated Fat with Unsaturated One Good unsaturated fats are a crucial part of one’s diet. It does play a vital role in boosting one’s health from head (brain) to toe (joints). On a whole, fats help build a healthy communication between nerve impulses and the transfer of nutrients through the bloodstream.  It is often… Continue reading Use Sunflower Oil to Swap Saturated Fat with Unsaturated One

Choice of Cooking Oil Impacts Your Heart Health

Choice of Healthy Cooking Oil Impacts Your Heart Health Every food item and every ingredient that you consume impacts your health. Some of them can influence your health positively, while some can affect your health negatively. Now since oil is a chief ingredient that dominates almost every dish that you cook, it’s necessary to choose… Continue reading Choice of Cooking Oil Impacts Your Heart Health

5 Amazing Benefits of Refined Sunflower Oil You Must Know

Benefits of Refined Sunflower Oil You Must Know You may already be familiar with the sunflower as a plant. Therefore, your mind doesn’t immediately think of sunflowers as a source of vegetable oil that is healthy and edible. But to your surprise, sunflower oil is indeed an edible oil that is extracted from the seeds… Continue reading 5 Amazing Benefits of Refined Sunflower Oil You Must Know